Seeking to understand the mysteries of the Earth and breaking the limits that separate man from nature is fundamental to building a preserved and balanced world. Terrama is part of this project. It raises awareness of the beauty of the planet and the dangers that threaten it, contributes to better knowledge with free and safe information and supports projects that promote the bond between man and nature.

T-shirt by t-shirt, looking for a more sustainable world.

Every year 10 million hectares of forest are destroyed, according to data from the World Wild Fund. Deforestation in tropical forests is more worrying, as these forests are home to much of the world's biodiversity. In the last 50 years, the Amazon has lost 17% of its forest due to deforestation. Livestock and agriculture replaced the forest and these two activities killed plants and animals that were part of a functional and unique ecological identity. At this time, and despite many efforts by some countries and international organizations and the introduction of protected areas, deforestation continues and is rampant.

Terrama sponsors non-governmental organizations that are dedicated to giving voice to sustainable development projects in various parts of the world. A portion of the proceeds from each t-shirt, 5%, goes to support these organizations that pursue these objectives that we believe are fundamental for the future of the Earth.

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Amazon Diversity

Toco toucans, unmistakable icons of Brazil due to their beauty and colors that provide a beautiful visual spectacle, are exclusive to the forests of South America. They live for around twenty years and during spring and summer they build nests in tree hollows or holes natural. Their offspring are born in these places, which take approximately 4 years to reach adulthood. In addition to being a symbol of beauty, toco toucans are very important for the ecological maintenance of different habitats. They feed on fruits, the seeds of which they disperse in nature during their long journeys, which makes them responsible for helping to regenerate forests.

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